RIBA Plan of Work: Engagement Overlay
✹ Project: Visual overview of the ACD’s Engagement overlay for RIBA’s Plan of Work
✦ Client and collaborators: Association of Collaborative Design / RIBA
✦ Role: Visual and information designer
✦ Year: 2024
The Association of Collaborative Design launched an Engagement overlay to RIBA’s Plan of Work, in which I designed the accompanying short visual guide, and developing training materials for the association.
The overlay is an incredibly important publication, that sets out clear guidelines for planners, developers and architects for how to include community engagement in built environment projects - every step of the way.
“The Engagement Overlay aims to elevate engagement standards throughout the built environment sector, significantly enhancing the places we live, work, and socialise. This innovative tool achieves this by providing guidance to built environment professionals, enabling them to unlock valuable local insights and foster accountability and transparency at every stage of the RIBA Plan of Work.”